
Useful Information

Application to stay in Thailand in the case of needing to prove nationality
Thailand is a destination for global travelers. In most cases, staying in Thailand requires a visa, depending on the purpose
Application to stay in Thailand in the case of performing duties for a government agency, state enterprise, or other government agency, or an embassy, consulate, or international organization
Submitting an application for visa extension in the case of performing duties or missions for government agencies, state enterprises.
Application to stay in Thailand in the case of being dependents
Dependents of foreigners, who wish to accompany a family member who works or lives in Thailand.
Application to stay in Thailand in the case of medical treatment, rehabilitation, or patient care
An application to stay in Thailand in the case of medical treatment, rehabilitation.
Application to stay in Thailand in the case of employment in a business or regional operating office
Many foreigners enter Thailand in order to do business, such as investors, executives or experts.
Application to stay in Thailand in the case of installation or repair of machinery, aircraft, or marine vessels
Foreigners who are allowed through immigration checkpoints by the immigration officers will receive a stamp of permission to enter and stay in the Kingdom of Thailand.
Application to stay in Thailand in the case of litigation or court proceedings
If foreigners encounter unexpected events while traveling or doing business in Thailand, such as being robbed, scammed
Application to stay in Thailand in the case of visiting relatives or returning to an original homeland of a person who was a Thai national or whose father or mother is or was a Thai national
An application to stay in Thailand to visit relatives or returning to an original homeland of a person who was a Thai national
Application to stay in Thailand in the case of visiting a spouse or children who are Thai nationals
oreigners entering Thailand must proceed with the correct type of visa to stay in Thailand, as each type of visa grants a different length of stay, and, when it has expired
Application to stay in Thailand in the case of journalists certified by public agencies
Foreigners who have permission to be in Thailand to perform their media duties, with certification from the government, such as the Public Relations Department or Department of Information
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