Administrative system of Thailand

The official name of Thailand is the Kingdom of Thailand. Currently, Thailand is governed under a system of parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy, with the King as Head of State. The sovereign power can be divided into three branches

  1. The legislative branch consists of the National Legislative Assembly, House of Representatives, Senate, and Parliament.
  2. The executive branch consists of the prime minister, who is appointed by the King in accordance with the resolution of the National Legislative Assembly. Upon recommendation of the prime minister, the King appoints ministers. The prime minister is the head of government in Thailand and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of the government.
  3. The judiciary is the system of courts, consisting of the Court of Justice, the Constitutional Court, and the Administrative Court. The President of the Supreme Court of Justice, the President of the Constitutional Court, and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court are the heads of the judicial branch.

The local government is divided into local government executives and local government organization councils. Local government members in the executive branch and the legislative branch are elected directly by people. The administrative services of the executive branch of the government are divided into three levels: (1) the central government consists of ministries, bureaus, and departments; (2) the provincial government consists of 76 provinces; and (3) the local government consists of provincial administrative organizations, municipalities, sub-district administrative organizations, Bangkok, and Pattaya.

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