Learning and Training

IDL Classrooms Increase Students' Access to Quality Education
Information and communication technology increasingly plays a critical role in education. With the development of e-learning through video conferencing, teaching methods have evolved to accommodate modern transformations.
STEMPlus Training Courses: Gaining Certified Approval
To apply for STEMPlus training course certification.
35 new courses in digital IT certified by the Thailand Plus Package
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (NSTDA) certified 35 new courses by the Thailand Plus Package to help entrepreneurs benefit from a 250% income tax exemption


Student visa extension
Education in Thailand includes both government and private educational institutions.
Procedures and documents for obtaining a student visa
Foreigners who want to come to observe work, train, or study in Thailand can apply for a student visa (education visa, or ED visa)
Application to stay by foreigners for training or research in higher education or research institutions
Foreigners wishing to stay in Thailand for training or for conducting research in higher education or research institutions
Application to stay for the purpose of study in public educational institutions
Foreigners wishing to study at a public educational institution in Thailand and continue their studies may apply if they meet
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