Travel calendar: Poi Sang Long tradition in Mae Hong Son Province (April)

       One of the traditions of the Tai people, or Tai Yai, that has been inherited over a long period and is considered one of the most valuable traditions of Mae Hong Son Province, is the Poi Sang Long Festival, or Buach Luk Kaew Ceremony, held on 1-7 April 2023.

       The Poi Sang Long tradition is a traditional festival of the Tai Yai people for ordination of boys as novices in Tai Yai Buddhism; it is believed that the ordination of Buach Sang Long will receive the greatest merit. The word poi means work, which can also mean festivals, various auspicious events, while the word sang means a monk or novice, and the word long comes from the word along, which means the king, so when these words are taken together, it means “the novice ordination of a child dressed like a king,” especially in the style of ancient Burmese kings.

       As it is considered a major merit-making event, it is held every year.

       In this fair, there will be a hair-shaving ceremony for children who will be accepted as Sang Long. There is a golden bathing ceremony, and they dress up in princely outfits. There will be a parade of Sang Long to pay respects to various temples, and there will be a large procession along the main road of the village. This is another valuable tradition of Mae Hong Son Province.




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