Road and Air Transport Cooperation between Thailand and Malaysia

     At present, Thailand and Malaysia still need to come up with a road transport agreement. Therefore, Thai freight and buses cannot yet transport goods and passengers in and out of Thailand and Malaysia. Therefore, to facilitate the transportation of goods and passengers across the border between the two countries, it was agreed that a meeting of the Working Group on Transboundary Transport between Thailand-Malaysia would be held to consider drafting two Memorandums of Understanding:

  1. Memorandum of Understanding on Cross-border Shipping Draft between Thailand and Malaysia; 
  2. Memorandum of Understanding on Cross-border Passenger Transport Draft between Thailand and Malaysia.

     Thailand and Malaysia have alternated between hosting four discussions in 2017 and 2018 and adopted the approval of the final draft of each party to propose to their respective Cabinets for approval.

     For the Glock River Bridge construction at Tak Bai-Peng Kalankubor District, Thailand has delivered details to Malaysia unofficially. Still, it has yet to receive a response from the Malaysian side. In the expedited approval, they are considering holding a meeting of technical staff to reach a joint conclusion. The construction of the Glok River Bridge at Sungai-Golok- Rantau Panjang District, Malaysia, is responsible for the detailed design. Thailand has been informed that the design is complete, but it still needs to receive the results. Thailand has asked Malaysia to design the bridge's center to match the Thai-Malaysian border as it has been bounded before the subsequent signing.

     There is also cooperation on air linkage in the construction project of Betong Airport, which completed the construction of runways, taxiways, parking lots, passenger accommodation buildings, and assembly buildings in 2019. It was opened in April 2022 after the COVID-19 pandemic began to ease in the region.

Data as of December 2020
Source: Foreign Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport


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