Consolidation of Multiple Voyage Shipping Manifests

     When the customs office or customs checkpoint performing customs procedures receives a request for the preparation of multiple voyage shipping manifests, the customs officials at the respective department will check the details before proposing the permission to the commanding officer. The Customs Department has set only one primary condition, which is that “Goods that are to be permitted for the multiple voyage shipping manifest procedures must be goods brought in to be assembled into complete sets only” – no shortages or excesses. The procedure for the consolidation of multiple voyage shipping manifests is as follows:

  • When the importer submits a request to consolidate multiple voyage shipping manifests to the customs office or customs checkpoint or the customs unit that allows for the preparation of multiple voyage shipping manifests, the following actions shall be taken:
    • In cases where goods are imported in complete sets within the authorized period, and customs officers verify the imported goods per the multiple voyage shipping manifests at the place of business, finding that the goods brought in from each voyage have been assembled into complete sets, a consolidation of the multiple voyage shipping manifests shall be prepared according to the specified format, and the deposit for multiple voyage procedures shall be returned to the subsequent importer.
    • In cases where goods have not been fully imported or have not been completed, if the importer submits a request to consolidate multiple voyage shipping manifests and the customs officers consider it in accordance with the criteria, goods that will be permitted to proceed with the multiple voyage shipping manifest procedures must be goods imported for assembly into complete sets, as per the Customs Tariff Act, B.E. 2530, Part 1.
  • In cases where the importer has not completed the consolidation of multiple voyage shipping manifests in accordance with the specified timeframe, a letter should be issued to instruct the importer to comply within 30 days from the receipt of the notification. If the time limit has expired and the required procedures have not been completed, take action in accordance with the operating rules and related laws to enforce the guarantee agreement, then issue an assessment notice (Kor Sor Kor 115) to collect all duty fees for each voyage as per the type and rate of customs tariff of the goods, without considering them as complete sets.
  • If the importer submits a request for an extension of time along with supporting documents, customs officials should consider the request, evaluate the reasons and necessities, and propose to their superiors as follows:
    • For extensions not exceeding 180 days, the decision lies with the department director.
    • For extensions exceeding 180 days, the decision lies with the office director or the customs checkpoint chief.
  • When summarizing multiple voyage shipping manifests, if any violation of customs law and/or other relevant laws is found, the customs department that consolidated the multiple voyage shipping manifests shall be responsible for assessing and proceeding with the action.

Request for exemption from the prescribed rules and conditions:

     In any justifiable circumstances or emergencies that prevent compliance with the aforementioned standards and conditions, when the importer submits a request with supporting documents to the customs office, customs checkpoint, or the customs department handling the initial import procedures, the director of the customs office or the chief of the customs checkpoint where the initial import procedures took place should propose to the director-general or his/her designated representative to consider granting a case-by-case exemption.

Data updated on May 25, 2023
Source: The Digital Government Development Agency
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