Termination of operations in Free Zone

     When licensees would like to terminate their operations in a Free Zone, legal notification must be given to the Director of Customs at least 90 days prior to the closing down date. All business activities must be stopped immediately after approval.

     Licensees must inform enterprises in theFree Zone to follow one of these regulations (violations will be fined not over 50,000 THB):

  • Bring all business-related goods out of the Free Zone and pay duties within a period set by Director of Customs; or
  • Export all business-related goods to a foreign port or keep them in a bonded warehouse, Free Zone, Free Trade Zone, or sell them to importers who register for duty drawback section 29 or other types of tax exemption.

     When either of the regulations above is completed, the Director of Customs will approve termination. Termination date starts from the day of approval. In cases in which licensees who inform their intention to terminate do not comply with the regulations above, the Director of Customs has full authorization to withdraw license and tax privileges. Duty for all goods in the Free Zone must be paid, in accordance with their condition, Customs value, and HS code on the date of withdrawal.

Data updated on July 23, 2018
Source: Free Zone Establishment Department, Customs Department
Tel. +66 2667 6536 


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