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Useful Information

Three categories of express exportation
For online shopping service providers planning their business and arranging for sales and delivery of products to foreign countries, or even people wishing to send items abroad.
VAT refund for foreign tourists
Traveling and shopping by foreign tourists in Thailand is a stimulus to the overall economy of the tourism and service sector.
Documents required to collect items arriving in Thailand
When goods are imported into the Kingdom of Thailand, they must first pass the process of determining which one of three categories they belong to. Category 2 and Category 3
Documents for importing household items
If a person wishes to import household items
Instructions for residence permit application in Thailand (annual quota)
Foreigners staying in Thailand for a long time and wishing to apply for a residence permit must wait for the Ministry of Interior to announce the number of the annual quota first.
How to buy train tickets online
Booking train tickets has never been easier. An online ticket booking system eliminates the need for passengers to buy tickets at a train station like in the past.
Measures for screening of passengers and carry-on luggage before boarding
When traveling by air, passengers are advised by airports and airlines that they will conduct searches of carry-on baggage to look for weapons, dangerous goods, or prohibited items carried by passengers on board.
City Bus from Don Mueang Airport Guide
The first step that everyone thinks about after exiting from the passenger terminal of Don Mueang Airport is finding the best way to travel to their destination.
Chiang Mai Airport and Chiang Rai Bus Guide
Northern Thailand is considered another destination for leisure travel for both Thais and foreigners, especially Chiang Mai Airport and Chiang Rai Airport. Upon exiting the passenger terminal, there are several recommendations for bus service
BTS Sky Train Gold Line Guide
The Gold Line Project started from the idea of developing a secondary electric train of the Bangkok Traffic and Transportation Department in 2009 to solve the problems of the main electric train system
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