How to have a fun and safe waterfall excursion in rainy season

How to have a fun and safe waterfall excursion in rainy season

    For those planning a trip to the waterfalls at this time, extra caution must be exercised. Waterfall excursions are often during the rainy season, posing a risk of flash floods. Therefore, one should be wary about water levels. The National Park Department has recommended the following safe practices for waterfall visits during the rainy season:

  1. If you observe that the waterfall stream is full and flowing forcefully, extra caution should be exercised while crossing the stream or playing in the water, or attempts should be made to avoid these activities altogether.
  2. If heavy rain has been falling in the area or upstream in the forest for a long time, and the water has changed from clear to muddy with sediment, you should exit the water and move to a safe location.
  3. While hiking or navigating along the stream, if multiple crossings are necessary, it is preferable to wade through the water, as jumping across on rocks may result in slips, falls, and injuries.
  4. Alcohol consumption should be avoided during waterfall excursions, as it can lead to dizziness, increasing the risk of drowning or falling from the waterfall. Additionally, broken glass or bottle fragments are dangerous to others and harmful to the environment.
  5. Respect the rights of others who are also experiencing nature.
  6. Do not litter in any area, except in provided receptacles.
  7. Assist in cleaning up the area to keep the natural resources beautiful and enjoyable for all.
  8. Adhere to the rules and regulations of each location, such as the National Park rules or the wildlife sanctuary regulations.
  9. Take the opportunity of the trip to learn about and appreciate nature as much as possible.


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