Using Thai currency and exchanging other currencies

Using Thai currency and exchanging other currencies

       The Thai baht is a local currency used in Thailand. As an example of the exchange rate, according to the Customs Department, on 2 December 2022, 1 US dollar (USD) was bought at 35.7443 baht and sold at 36.1751 baht. Tourists may follow the fluctuations of the Thai currency exchange rate at the Customs Department’s website or at banks or private money exchange websites throughout Thailand. 

       Almost all shops and businesses in Thailand accept only Thai baht. If tourists run short of baht for spending, they may exchange the currency of their own country to Thai baht at banks or at private counters that provide currency exchange services. It is advisable to hold US dollars for a better exchange rate. In addition, debit cards or credit cards from Visa, Mastercard, Union Pay, JBC, and others can be used to withdraw money at any ATM in Thailand, with charges depending on each bank.



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