DBD Issuance Process of “Verified” Trust Mark in Electronic Commerce Assembly

DBD Issuance Process of “Verified” Trust Mark in Electronic Commerce Assembly

DBD Issuance Process of “Verified” Trust Mark in Electronic Commerce Assembly

     “DBD Verified” is a mark to certify the reliability of electronic commerce and ensures that the website meets the quality assessment criteria, according to the e-commerce business quality standards.

Applications for the DBD Verified mark must be submitted through the online mark application system on www.Trustmarkthai.com, which is based on the following three criteria:

  1. “Self-assessment” is the self-assessment of a business based on established quality standards;
  2. “Expertly assessed by expert staff” – Qualification and evaluation of the website is done according to quality standards;
  3. “Evaluated by the Board of Directors” means that the Audit Committee reviews the evaluation results according to the criteria and compliance with the law to give an opinion on the approval of the use of the mark. The composition of the Board includes government agencies and members of the private sector related to the rules of trading in goods or services.

Mark Requester Qualifications

  1. Individuals and juristic persons who conduct electronic commerce business through a website;
  2. Submit financial statements (in case of a juristic person);
  3. Commercial Registration for Electronic Commercial Business;
  4. Domain name owner, such as order system, payment system, shipping method, etc.

The five benchmarks for e-commerce business quality are the following:

  1. “Information disclosure” means that the business must disclose information and details related to products or services;
  2. “Trade or service conditions” mean that the business has to define and specify the terms of trade or fair service, such as cancellation or return of products or services, and how to communicate with customers;
  3. “Website security” means that businesses have security measures in place that are securely able to maintain confidentiality of information, audit process, and control of the ability to enter into, add, change, edit data, certify the person's identity as accurate, and have no discrepancies of information. Customers must be assured that their information is not altered on the way. If they receive information that is incorrect, it is unacceptable for the business simply to deny that it is  the sender of the data, so security must be tight;
  4. “Personal information privacy” means that businesses must establish guidelines for storing personal information. This issue includes use and retention of personal information, including the completeness of personal information and how customers may access and correct personal information;
  5. “Resolving complaints and settling disputes” means that businesses establish alternative mechanisms for settling disputes between companies and customers in a fair, fast, timely, and low-cost manner without getting involved in a legal process.

     Once the Department of Business Development has authorized the use of the credentials, a letter of authorization will be issued and provide the code being installed on the website of the approved online shop. The permission will be valid for one year and may be renewed for one year at a time.   


Source: Business Registration Division, Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce, 563 Nonthaburi Road, Bangkrasor Subdistrict, Mueang District, Nonthaburi 11000 

Tel.+66 2528 7600

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