Thai GI products, how confident are foreigners?

Thai GI products, how confident are foreigners?

  Geographical indication registration.        

        Geographical indication registration or GI products are currently receiving a lot of attention because GI is like a local brand that indicates the quality and origin of the product which is an important tool that enhances local products and builds consumer confidence. It is also a quality assurance system that has been accepted by many areas around the world.

        Geographical indication protection can generally be divided into 2 levels:

        Normal level applies to generic goods to prevent the use of geographical indications in such a way as to confuse people as to the origin of the products.

        Special level applies to specific products. (as defined in the ministerial regulations) is a prohibition of the use of geographical indication in all cases, although it did not confuse the public, to prevent the geographical origin of the goods from being indicated by the words "type" or "type" or a similar word.

        However, under the TRIPS international agreement, there are minimum standards for all WTO member countries to provide a special level of protection for wine and spirits. An example of this extra level of GI protection. Wine producers in Thailand cannot use the word "Borbeaux” at all, whether in indirect references such as Borbeaux production or Borbeaux-like, or even if they are clearly labeled as wines produced in Thailand
       However, Thai products are registered with GI, there must be a production process and product quality control system that meets standards. which the government attaches importance to protecting and protecting the product name to retain the rights of the original community, not to be impersonated using the product name, as well as helping to make the product known and increase its value.

        The Department of Intellectual Property also impels forward the registration of Thai GI products abroad continuously. Especially food and agricultural products, which are important soft powers that facilitate attracting tourists to travel into the country.

         In the past, success in promoting Thai GI products to be protected abroad Including in the European Union, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam, a total of 8 items, demonstrating the acceptance of the standard quality of Thai GI products abroad. It is an important tool to create added value and expand export opportunities for Thai GI products, leading to job creation, and sustainable income for farmers and local entrepreneurs.

Source: Department of Intellectual Property
Tel: 1368


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