Innovation space for the medical device industry in Thailand

Innovation space for the medical device industry in Thailand

       The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) supports innovation areas for numerous sectors, including the medical device industry. 

       A major facility for innovation in medical devices is the city of health tech and health care startups, or Salaya Startup Town, sponsored by Mahidol University, which consists of five hospitals, two dental hospitals, and two animal hospitals. In an area of about 12,000 square meters, there is a Maker Space, a medical robot center with a complete ecosystem for a healthcare platform, especially connected to the EEC as a research and development area for advanced health and biomedical technology. It emphasizes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to develop tools and equipment for health examination and efficient, accurate treatment, such as surgical robots and brainwave technologies. The facilities can be divided into several areas: 

1) Innogineer Studio is a space for SMEs and innovators and makers to innovate their projects, creating work pieces and prototypes;

2) Innogineer BAY is the world's most advanced training center for robotics and artificial intelligence systems;

3) Digital Forensics Lab;

4) Service Center for Innovation and Consulting for Industrial Business;

5) BART LAB: Center for Biomedical and Robotics Technology; 

6) Aging Social Innovation Center and Smart Home;

7) Laboratories and research centers specializing in various fields;

8) LogHealth Center for HealthCare Logistics Big Data;

9) Medical Device Testing Center;

10) UNTIL Thailand: United Nations Innovation Lab;

11) Advanced Medical Robotics Center.

Source: National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)

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