Laws related to food industry, supporting the BCG model

Laws related to food industry, supporting the BCG model

       To build confidence in food safety and quality for consumers, there must be laws to regulate food production and food chains, with the objective of protecting consumers and entrepreneurs, in order to determine the quality or standard of food. The relevant laws in the food industry can be summarized as follows:

1. Agricultural Standards Act B.E. 2561, by the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards: It is a law that sets measures for agricultural products, inspection processes, and certification of product standards, to control, and promote the quality agricultural products;

2. Plant Quarantine Act B.E. 2551 (Vol. 3), by the Department of Agriculture: It is a law that regulates phytosanitary standards, prescribing rules and methods for importing and exporting plants under international standards;

3. Plant Varieties Act B.E. 2550 (Vol. 3), directed by the Department of Agriculture: It is a law related to the factors of the production of crops, ensuring that farmers use quality seeds;

4. Royal Ordinance on Fisheries B.E. 2558, directed by the Department of Fisheries: It is a law that requires compliance with the obligations that Thailand has to international organizations and for sustainable management of aquatic animal resources, taking into account long-term economic, social, and environmental factors;

5. Slaughter and Meat Sale Control Act B.E. 2559, issued by the Department of Livestock Development: It is a law that establishes a quality control system in the processes of slaughtering and transporting meat for distribution, with safety standards and consumer protection;

6. Food Act B.E. 2522, directed by the Food and Drug Administration: It is a law that controls food quality, mainly focusing on consumer protection, including control of food advertising;

7. National Food Board Act, by the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards and the Food and Drug Administration. The purpose is to establish a unit regulating food policies and strategies in terms of quality, safety, and food education that unite the food chain.

Source: The National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) 

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