BCG economic model strategy for strengthening the ability to respond to global changes: Strategy 4

BCG economic model strategy for strengthening the ability to respond to global changes: Strategy 4

       Strategic plans and guidelines for driving development under the BCG model, 2021-2026

       Strategy 4: Strengthening the ability to respond to global changes

       Focusing on building immunity and the ability to respond promptly to global changes will mitigate the impacts. Accessing opportunities that arise from the changes in the global context may pave the way for the future, by investing in various areas of infrastructure, especially science and technology infrastructure. Infrastructure for the creation of new values will become a reality if science, technology, and innovation are employed to increase the potential of communities and entrepreneurs, to change production and service models to respond to market demands, to create quality growth that is environmentally friendly, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thus leading to a low-carbon society. In addition, human resources must be developed to support the BCG economy, and leading-edge technologies to reduce dependency on technology imports from foreign countries will be essential.

1. Upgrading the capabilities of manpower in the BCG field should follow the guidelines below:

 - Build up a new generation of entrepreneurs and those engaged in innovative BCG businesses;

 - Develop manpower to support the use of knowledge, technology, and innovation in BCG for economic and social development at the local level;

 - Increase the number of researchers, scientists, engineers, and technicians in order to develop and extend knowledge, technology, and innovation in BCG; 

 - Promote the development of up-to-date knowledge and skills of personnel in the industrial sector, and support technological changes in the world, especially digital technology and changes in the structure of businesses and industries.


2. Investment in science and technology infrastructure such as Biobank, Science Park, Omics center, Genomics Thailand, High performance computing: HPC, Sustainable manufacturing center: SMC, Biorefinery pilot plant, Pilot plant, OECD GLP, GMP standard pilot plant.

3. Investment in quality infrastructure, including clinical research, toxicity test analysis, pesticide residue analysis in agricultural products, analysis of pathogens in food, test analysis for confirmation of active ingredient properties technical test tools and medical equipment. 

4. Advance technology development, including the creation and development of skilled manpower by connecting foreign networks, innovation ecosystem, incentive reward system, and measures to allow high-level people to work in the country conveniently, such as Smart Visa. 

Source : National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
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