“The center of tourism in the region,” an important reason foreigners come to Thailand

“The center of tourism in the region,” an important reason foreigners come to Thailand

      Thailand is geographically located at the center of the ASEAN region, with tourist attractions linking one country to another. When you visit Thailand, you can also travel to different countries easily and conveniently with a wide variety of transportation, such as planes, cars, buses, ships, and trains.

      To link tourism routes within the sub-region and ASEAN, the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council established a master plan under the National Travel and Tourism Strategy (B.E. 2561-2580) (2018-2037), with the following development guidelines:

1. To develop tourism routes that connect countries in the region by taking advantage of existing and emerging transportation networks under the future development plans, including by road, rail, water, and air, as well as promoting and integrating tourism cooperation under the framework of cooperation at the sub-regional and ASEAN levels, such as the Greater Mekong Subregional Tourism Cooperation Framework; the Ayeyawady – Chao Phraya – Mekong Economic Cooperation Framework; the development of a trilateral economic zones linking  Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand; and development along economic corridors, among other plans. The development of tourism routes also includes linking cultural tourism routes, historical cities, and World Heritage cities within the sub-regions. 

2. To facilitate international travel by developing and enhancing the border-crossing procedures for all forms of travel, thus making the crossing seamless; improving and revising regulations that hinder the travel across borders for tourists; and using information technology to educate the public and disseminate information, and to  facilitate travel for tourists. 

3. To promote the international tourism market in line with the directions and trends of the modern market by using technology to correspond with new tourism behaviors and by public relations to create awareness and motivation for tourists, based on the common identity of the sub-regions and the regions, in order to make both Thailand and its sister ASEAN member countries widely known, so that the region becomes a common destination for visitors from all parts of the world.

Source : Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council
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