Types and project sizes of T-VER

Types and project sizes of T-VER

      Thailand’s Voluntary Emission Reduction Project (T-VER) has specified that the type and size of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction project that can be developed into a T-VER project must fall within the following project categories: 

1. Energy Efficiency Enhancement;

2. Development of Renewable Energy;

3. Waste Management;

4. Management in the Transport Sector;

5. Reforestation;

6. Forest Conservation and Restoration;

7. Agriculture.

    As for the development of the T-VER project, the project developer must verify the size of the project, since large projects must undergo additional proof of operation from normal operations (Additionality), dividing the size of the project classified by type of project.

    1. If it is an activity to produce electricity from renewable energy: “Micro scale” has a total installed capacity of not more than 5MW; “Small scale” has a total installed capacity of not more than 15 MW; and “Large scale” has a total installed capacity of more than 15 MW;

     2. Energy Efficiency: Micro scale, total energy reduction goal of not more than 20GWh/year; Small scale, total energy reduction goal of not more than 60 GWh/year; Large scale, total energy total energy reduction goal of not more than 60 GWh/year;

      3. Afforestation and Reforestation: Micro scale, target to reduce GHG storage by not more than 1,000 tCO2eq/year; Small scale, target GHG storage not more than 16,000 tCO2e/year; Large scale, target GHG storage more than 16,000 tCO2e/year;

      4. Agriculture: Micro scale target to reduce GHG storage by not more than 1,000 tCO2eq/year; Small scale GHG storage target not more than 16,000 tCO2e/year; Large scale GHG storage target more than 16,000 tCO2e/year;

      5. Other project types: Micro scale, GHG reduction goal not exceeding 20,000 tCO2e/year; Small scale, GHG reduction goal not exceeding 60,000 tCO2e/year; Large scale, GHG reduction goal more than 60,000 tCO2e/year.

       If you are interested in the details of the T-VER Voluntary GHG Reduction Project, you may visit the website https://ghgreduction.tgo.or.th/th/ or call +66 2141 9841 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9. Fax 0 2143 8404.


Source: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Mechanism

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