Criteria for registration of T-VER and certification of greenhouse gas emissions

Criteria for registration of T-VER and certification of greenhouse gas emissions

      Let’s look at how to register and certify greenhouse gas emissions. Instructions on how to register for a Thai-Standard voluntary greenhouse gas reduction project (T-VER) are as follows.

1. Execute project operations in compliance with applicable laws or regulations, and operate in accordance with Thailand’s criteria for the creation of voluntary greenhouse gas reduction projects (T-VER);

2. According to the criteria set by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization), there are operations that fall within the scope of greenhouse gas reduction projects that do not require additional proof (Positive List) or other operations in addition to normal operations (Additionality);

3. This is in accordance with the TGO Committee’s Voluntary GHG Reduction Methodology (T-VER Methodology);

4. Evaluate the project’s potential for GHG reduction or storage using the Voluntary GHG Reduction Methodology (T-VER Methodology);

5. Volunteer initiatives registered with the TGO Board must be validated by an external assessor;

6. Utilize the Voluntary GHG Reduction Methodology’s monitoring and reporting procedures for GHG reduction (T-VER Methodology).

Greenhouse Gas Certification Consideration       

1. Conduct T-VER project activities in compliance with applicable laws or regulations and in line with Thailand's criteria for the establishment of voluntary greenhouse gas reduction projects (T-VER);

2. Follow up on greenhouse gas reduction and conservation results and gather data on the T-VER project as defined in the project proposal document submitted for T-VER project set registration by the TGO Board;

3. The amount of greenhouse emissions certified must be estimated in accordance with the Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reduction Methodology (T-VER Methodology) presented in the project proposal filed for registration of the T-VER project and meet the criteria established by the TGO Board;

4. It must receive verification from external assessors for voluntary projects that have been registered by the TGO Board.

January 25, 2022


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