Why develop the agricultural sector with the BCG Model?

Why develop the agricultural sector with the BCG Model?

      The government is emphasizing the  acceleration of national development by using a new economic model called "BCG," which is the development of three economies, namely Bioeconomy, Circular Economy, and Green Economy.

      The agricultural sector is one of the strategic targets of Thailand that needs to be accelerated and strengthened, as agriculture is not only an activity aimed at producing food for the nation's food security but also one that has an effect on energy stability, biodiversity preservation, carbon management, and the preservation of traditional and indigenous culture. Restructuring and modernizing the agricultural sector would  create jobs and raise farmers' incomes and improve their livelihoods. Since there are many people involved in the agricultural sector, the development under the BCG economic model is important, as it is an opportunity to experience the growth of Thailand’s agricultural sector on the world stage, in several ways:

(1) The dietary needs of the world are likely to increase by no less than 35 percent in the next 10 years. The situation seen during the COVID-19 outbreak, when Thailand was able to continue producing food, reflects the strength of the Thai agricultural sector, one that is able to produce food for people in the country and the world;

(2) Thailand's investment in technology research and development has increased by leaps and bounds. The proportion of investment in agricultural technology research and development of the country is 1 percent of GDP in the agricultural sector, which is considered a high rate, compared with other countries in the ASEAN region;

(3) More knowledgeable people are entering the agricultural sector, which results in the use of knowledge, technology, and innovation to enhance production efficiency;

(4) Thailand's location is conducive to the production of a wide range of agricultural products, and because it is located in the heart of the ASEAN region, Thailand can be a regional trading hub;

(5) The means of access to knowledge, technology, and innovations are more varied today, such as broadcasting through government promotion officials and “lead farmers,” including access to knowledge through various applications.

Source : National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
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