Preparation of manpower and experts to develop the agricultural sector under the BCG Model

Preparation of manpower and experts to develop the agricultural sector under the BCG Model

       Driving the agricultural sector with the BCG Model aims to change Thailand's agricultural system in three aspects – high efficiency, high standards, and high income – by combining technology and innovation with wisdom to upgrade the agricultural sector to a modern agricultural system. Doing this will require important operating mechanisms, one of which is preparing manpower and experts to develop the agricultural sector  in line with the BCG Model.

       Preparation of manpower and experts in BCG Agriculture (BCG Talent Development)

       Emphasis is placed on developing manpower in the agricultural sector with knowledge, skills, and expertise to support the transition of agricultural production systems to modern agricultural systems, employing the following important mechanisms:

 - To create a multiplier in the area by developing agricultural volunteers who have basic knowledge and modern agricultural knowledge consistent with agricultural products in each area, with a target of at least 300,000 agricultural volunteers;

 - To utilize the mechanism of the agricultural volunteers to act as mentors to develop “smart farmers” in each area, with 1 agricultural volunteer responsible for taking care of 10 farmers;

 - To elevate the existing learning centers to become learning centers for modern agricultural technology and innovation;

 - To develop a modern agricultural curriculum emphasizing an integrated curriculum combining agricultural knowledge and modern technology;

 - To set up institutions that would develop agricultural personnel, such as researchers and extension officers, including inspectors to certify product quality;

 - To build a network of researchers to create collaboration between researchers from different disciplines, both locally and from abroad, for technology transfer and research.

Source : National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
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