Agriculture target groups for development of the BCG Model

Agriculture target groups for development of the BCG Model

        The development of the country's economy, especially in agriculture, which is considered an important base of the Thai economy, will be driven under the BCG economic model, based on principles of bioeconom, circular economy, and green economy.  It aims to bring agriculture to three high levels, namely high efficiency, high standards, and high income. The development of the agricultural BCG Model is divided into three target groups:

 1. Main economic crops and livestock, including rice, cassava, corn, sugar cane, oil palm, rubber, vegetables, fruits, chicken, dairy cattle, shrimp, pigs, and economic timber;

 2. High-value crops and livestock, including new crops and livestock or local crops and livestock, such as herbs, beef cattle, fish, insects, local chickens, blue crabs, crabs, and local vegetables;

 3. Agricultural inputs and services, including soil, water, seed, fertilizer, animal feed, pesticides, animal medicine, agricultural machinery, and agricultural services. 

        Most of the above are economically important products, closely tied to food and health security. The market has high demand and offers high returns. They are also products that Thailand is highly competitive in.

Source : National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
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