Thai Medical Field Discovers Rh+ (Asian-type DEL) Blood Group

There’s an excitement in the Thai medical community! A special blood type, Rh+ (Asian-type DEL), has been discovered for the first time in Thailand. This rare blood type can only be donated within a specific group. The Thai Red Cross is calling on Rh- individuals to donate blood to screen for this special blood group and help patients in need.

The National Blood Centre of the Thai Red Cross Society has revealed the discovery of the Rh+ (Asian-type DEL) blood type, a rare group with significant importance in patient treatment. Rh+ DEL is a special blood type with D antigens on the red blood cells, similar to Rh+, but it can only be detected through advanced testing techniques.

The discovery was made in a case of a 17-year-old male patient who regularly received blood transfusions and was found to have developed Anti-D antibodies after receiving Rh+ DEL blood. This has led the National Blood Centre to expedite the development of Rh+ DEL blood screening to ensure safe blood donations.

The Thai Red Cross is inviting Rh- individuals to donate blood for Rh+ DEL screening at no cost. If the special Rh+ DEL blood type is detected, donors will receive a new blood donation card indicating this unique blood group.

The discovery of Rh+ (Asian-type DEL) blood is a significant milestone for Thailand's medical field. The Thai Red Cross invites Rh- individuals to donate blood to screen for and support the treatment of patients in need of this rare blood type. Donations can be made at the National Blood Centre and blood donation units across the country.

For More Information: Thai Red Cross Society



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