Procedures and benefits of foreign certifying agents for long-term residents

        Individuals or legal entities in the private sector with readiness and potential may participate in the government’s economic and investment stimulus package. In order to be a certifying agent, foreigners must first apply for a long-term resident visa, which includes the following benefits.

        How to apply to become a certified agent

  1. If the applicant is a natural person, a letter of intent is required to establish a legal entity in Thailand, and the paid-up capital must be at least 5 million baht. However, in order to apply for a representative certificate, the establishment of a juristic person must be registered within 90 days of the date of application submission;
  2. The results of the screening of qualified agents will be presented to the Board for approval, and the results will be communicated in writing;
  3. A representative appointment contract in the form prescribed by the office must be signed by the certified agent;
  4. The names and addresses of authorized representatives will be made public by the Office.

        Qualified agents’ rights and benefits

  1. Receive a representation certificate valid for two years from the date of permission;
  2. Fees are charged for the provision of services related to the application submission, with the rate of fees set by the Board;
  3. Permission to use the LTR project logo for public relations purposes. It is prohibited to alter, decorate, add, or change any color or dimension of the logo, and it is also prohibited to use the logo in an inappropriate manner or to seek any other wrongful commercial benefit;
  4. Suggest problems and roadblocks to improve processes, procedures, and work methods.

        Terminating status of certified agent

  1. Any person who wishes to resign as an accredited agent must notify the Office in writing at least 60 days prior to the date of dissolution of the agent business, which will take effect on the date the Office receives such letter;
  2. If an authorized agent violates or fails to comply with the rules, conditions, and procedures specified in this announcement or any other announcements or orders, the Office may issue a written warning with a deadline to correct or comply. After that period has expired and that person has not corrected or acted correctly without reasonable cause, the Office will consider terminating the representative of the certified company or taking any other action it deems appropriate, which will be communicated to that person in writing;
  3. If the agent certificate is not renewed, the agent must complete all outstanding responsibilities before the agent’s termination date.



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