Ministry of Labor launches training course on “Panang Curry,” one of the favorite dishes in the world, creating a career for Thai people

     The Ministry of Labor assigned the Department of Skill Development to train Thai people in cuisine courses such as "Panang Curry," one of the best dishes in the world ranked by Taste Atlas, as a means of helping some Thai people create a new career.

      “PanangCurry" is ranked no. 1 among stew dishes by Taste Atlas, scoring 4.8 points. This helps the good reputation of Thailand. Panang Curry is also considered one of the five soft power aspects with 5F potential that the government is promoting, including (1) food, (2) film, (3) fashion, (4) fighting, and (5) festivals, all activities that increase economic value. 

     The Ministry of Labor has assigned the Department of Skill Development to conduct a 30-hour training course on Thai cuisine between 17-21 April 2023 at the College of Labor to provide participants with knowledge in cooking great Thai dishes, including panang curry. They can apply the knowledge to earn money for themselves and their families. It can also convey and disseminate Thai food to foreigners who come to Thailand to taste the best food in the world, in the view of the readers of Taste Atlas. 

     This Thai cuisine course provides learners with knowledge to create other dishes, such as shrimp phad thai, papaya salad, chicken massaman curry, and prawn tom yum soup. These are popular Thai dishes that foreigners who come to Thailand often order.

Source: Thai Government

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