Request for Overseas Job Recruitment Office Relocation - In the case of relocation within the same province as stated in the permit

     Those who have been granted a license for overseas job recruitment and wish to relocate their office to a new location not specified in the permit, must submit a request for office relocation according to form Jor Ngor 13 to the local job registrar where the licensed office is located, for permission consideration before changing the address with the Ministry of Commerce.

     The procedural steps as outlined in the manual will begin once the official has verified the completeness of the documents as indicated in the public service manual. However, in cases where the application or documentary evidence is incomplete and/or defective, rendering it impossible to consider, the officer will compile a record of the document or evidence that needs to be additionally submitted. The applicant must correct and/or submit additional documents within the period specified in the said record, otherwise it will be considered that the applicant has abandoned the application. The officer and the applicant or authorized person will sign the said record, and a copy of the said record will be provided to the applicant or authorized person as evidence. The outcome will be informed to the applicant within 7 days from the date of completion of consideration.

Required documents for the application of overseas job recruitment office relocation, in case of moving within the same province as stated in the permit:

  1. Original application for job recruitment office relocation (Form Jor Ngor 13).
  2. A copy of the evidence showing the right or entitlement to the new office location.
  3. A simplified map showing the new office location.
  4. A photograph of the new office building, both inside and outside.
  5. Original job recruitment permit (Form Jor Ngor 3).
  6. Original ID card of the manager, permit holder, employees, and job recruitment representatives issued by the job registrar.
  7. Original power of attorney document with a 10 Baht stamp affixed, along with a copy of the ID card of the authorizer and the original ID card of the authorized person, in case of wishing to delegate authority.

Steps for the application process are as follows:

  1. Submit the application for job recruitment office relocation (Form Jor Ngor 13). The officer checks the completeness and correctness of the documents.
  2. The officer conducts an inspection of the office location.
  3. Compilation of evidence/documents, inspection results, and recommendations for the registrar to consider and sign.
  4. The registrar considers and signs the permit.
  5. The service recipient pays the fee and receives the permit.


  1. Application fee: 10.00 baht
  2. Fee for requesting office relocation: 400.00 baht per time.


Data updated on June 17, 2023

Source: Digital Government Development Agency

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