Criteria, methods, and conditions for obtaining the rights to operate as an express consignment service provider

  1. Individuals who wish to apply for the right to operate an express consignment service must possess the following qualifications:
    • Must be a legal entity that has registered and fully paid up capital of no less than 5 million baht.
    • Must have at least one customs expert who has been tested by the Customs Department according to the criteria and conditions set by the department.
    • Must not have a history of violating customs laws or other related laws. The history should be checked retrospectively for 2 years from the date of application submission, unless it's a minor offense or an offense that the customs department deems eligible for pardon.
  2. The criteria and conditions for operating as an express consignment service provider:
    • Must provide a facility that allows customs officers to use for the segregation, inspection, and release of goods and the collection of customs duties and taxes. This includes having necessary equipment and tools such as computers, X-Ray machines, weighing scales, etc., which are ready for use at all times. There must also be a space for storing goods that cannot yet be cleared.
    • Must be prepared to create electronic data to notify the details of the product ledger in advance and/or the request to dispatch express consignments urgently before the goods arrive, according to the standards and time set by the Customs Department.
    • Must be able to segregate goods and follow the principles of risk management in the selection of goods inspection.
    • Must be ready to undergo electronic customs procedures without paperwork in the express consignment customs process (e-Express), according to the standards set by the Customs Department.
  3. Approved express consignment operators must provide a guarantee and collateral as specified and must arrange for a bank guarantee with an amount not less than 2 million baht. This is to ensure the execution of procedures and the inspection and release of express consignments to the customs office or customs checkpoint of the jurisdiction within 30 days from the date of notification by registered mail. If the guarantee and collateral are not provided within the specified period, it will be considered a forfeiture of rights.
  4. Being an express consignment operator:
    • The validity period is 3 years from the date of posting the collateral as determined by the Customs Department.
    • For renewal of express consignment operator status, an application must be submitted to the Customs Office or the customs checkpoint of the jurisdiction at least 120 but no less than 60 days before the expiry date of the express consignment operator status.
    • Approved express consignment operators, if the Customs Department later considers that the qualifications are not fully met, it will be deemed that the right to operate as an express consignment operator has been revoked.
    • Any express consignment operator wishing to cease operating as an express consignment operator must notify in writing the Customs Office or the customs checkpoint of the jurisdiction.


Data updated on May 17, 2023.
Source: The Digital Government Development Agency
Tel. +66 2612 6060


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