Documentations and license fees for import-export or transit permission under Section 23 or Section 24 of the Wild Animal Conservation and Protection Act, B.E. 2562 (2019) (Sor Por 5) (Fisheries Single Window)

     The Wild Animal Conservation and Protection Act aims to determine the status of wild animals and to regulate the import and export of wild animals and wild animal products. Under normal circumstances, the Wild Animal Conservation and Protection Act, B.E. 2562 (2019) prohibits anyone from importing or exporting conserved wild animals, protected wild animals, carcasses of conserved wild animals, carcasses of protected wild animals, or products from carcasses of wild animals, except breedable protected wild animals, or carcasses of breedable protected wild animals, or wild animals that are in the CITES convention agreements for the control of international trade in wild animals, provided that it does not adversely affect the survival of those species in the wild. The Director-General of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation must authorize importation and exportation procedures.

Individuals who wish to apply for a permit to import or export wild animals, particularly aquatic animals, must prepare the following documents:

  1. CITES export permit;
  2. CITES import permit;
  3. Permit for trading protected wild animal (Sor Por 11), products from carcasses of wild animals, permits for trading breedable protected wild animals;
  4. Proof of legal acquisition of aquatic animals;
  5. Transformation table, derived from protected wild animals;
  6. Update the accounts for the purchase and sale of breedable wild animals (Sor Por 11), including accounts for the current purchase and sale of carcasses of wild animals or products from carcasses of wild animals in cases where the inventory list in the attached license for breedable protected wild animals (Sor Por 11) has not been adjusted;
  7. Create statistical accounts for breedable protected wild animals (Sor Por 11) and for the carcasses of wild animals or products from the carcasses of wild animals.

Details of fees

  1. Export one  breedable protected wild animal (aquatic animals), with a fee of 50 baht per document;


  2. Export more than one breedable protected wild animal (aquatic animals), with a fee of 500 baht per document;


  3. Import breedable protected wild animals, with a fee of 50 baht per document;


  4. Importing or exporting wild animal species designated by the minister (aquatic animals), with a fee of 300 baht.


Applications for permits can be submitted through 

- the centralized data center, used by businesses contacting the government (Business Portal), on

- and the e-Service system:


Data updated on April 15, 2023 

Source: Digital Government Development Agency

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