Criteria and conditions for requesting a Free Zone operation

 Criteria and conditions for requesting a free zone operation

  1. The licensee must provide a utility system, facilities, and necessary services as appropriate to the size of each business type, including internal and external road systems connected to public roads outside the free zone area, rainwater drainage system or flood protection system, water supply system, wastewater treatment system, pollution control and elimination system, telecommunication system, electrical system, fire suppression system and accident prevention system, industrial waste management system, dust and pollution control system, environmental pollutant monitoring and inspection system, and security systems;
  2. The licensee must prepare facilities that have buildings, constructions, tools, office equipment, including free zone gates, and a proper perimeter fence. This also includes a customs office building with office equipment, computer system, receipt-delivery control system, transportation, storage, control and release of goods, closed-circuit television system (CCTV), checking post and mail, residence for Custom officers, electronic system for submitting reports confirming the transfer of goods into and out of the free zone (Confirmation of Goods report);
  3. License holders must display a sign with the name of the free zone, made of durable and sturdy materials.

     When the licensee has complied with the rules and conditions of the application for opening a free zone, they must notify the Customs officer at the Customs Office where the application for permission has been submitted. The next step is to schedule an inspection of the facility and submit the documents and evidence as specified by the Director-General in the prescribed format. Once the Customs officer has inspected the facility and confirmed that it meets the criteria and conditions, they will present their opinion to the Director-General for consideration. If the Director-General approves the operation, a letter notifying the operator of the opening of the free zone will be issued, along with a Thai Customs announcement, and the bank guarantee letter will be returned to the licensee. The licensee is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of a bond and security contract and regulations.

Data as of July 23, 2018
Source: Establishment of Free Zone, Thai Customs Department
Tel. 0 2667 6536 


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