A.T.A. Carnet is an international customs document that is used as Import Entry, Export Declaration, Re-import and a duty guarantee document for temporary entry of goods on a duty-free and tax-free basis. The types of goods that can be transported under the A.T.A. Carnet are the following:
7. Free samples for participants in an exhibition;
8. Goods for demonstration that will be consumed or demolished in the process of demonstration;
9. Low-cost products used for building or decoration;
10. Printed material, trade notifications, invoices, advertisement diagrams, calendars, photos;
11. Files, memorandums, forms, or other documents used for international conferences;
12. Sample products for showing or demonstrations;
13. Positive advertisement films (size not over 16 mm) that show working process of tools or equipment that cannot be observed easily;
14. Scientific equipment used for research or scientific study and repaired parts;
15. Measuring equipment for maintaining, testing, measuring, or repairing scientific tools for research or study.
Data updated on May 21, 2019
Source: Suvarnabhumi airport passport control customs office
Tel. +66 2134 1246