GSTC criteria for greenhouse gas emissions and climate change mitigation

     The GSTC criteria indicate what should be done, not how to do it or whether the goal has been achieved. This role is fulfilled by performance indicators, associated educational materials, and access to tools for implementation, all of which are an indispensable complement to the GSTC criteria. The GSTC-D (Destination Criteria) have been designed for destinations. The GSTC criteria for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change mitigation are as follows:

  1. The destination has targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and it implements and reports on mitigation policies and actions;
  2. Enterprises are encouraged to measure, monitor, reduce or minimize, publicly report, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from all aspects of their operation (including from suppliers and service providers);
  3. Offsetting of any remaining emissions is encouraged;

Indicators are the following:

  1. Published target for percentage of emissions reduction by specified date;
  2. Annual climate report, including monitoring and mitigation actions;
  3. Supported campaigns or other engagement with tourism enterprises on reduction and mitigation of emissions;
  4. Action to reduce emissions from public-sector operations;
  5. Information for enterprises and visitors on offsetting schemes that meet recognized standards.

Source: Global Sustainable Tourism Council
Information as of 28 Febuary 2023


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