All posts of tag: WorkAbroad

Application for Renewing a Work Permit for Job Seekers to Work Abroad - Submitting the Application at the Employment Office Where the Permit Holder Has Established Their Office (Renewing the Work Permit for Job Seekers to Work Abroad)

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

The steps to renew a work permit for job seekers to work abroad - submitting the application at the provincial employment office where the permit holder has established their office (renewing the work permit for job seekers to work abroad) are as follows:

Criteria and Documents for Renewal of the License to Provide Employment for Job Seekers for Work Abroad - Applications Submitted at the Provincial Employment Office Where the Licensee's Office is Located (Renewal of the License to Provide Employment for J

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Renewing a license to provide employment for job seekers to work abroad - when applications are submitted at the Provincial Employment Office where the licensee's office is located

Criteria for Obtaining a License to Provide Employment for Workers Abroad - Application Submission at the Provincial Employment Office Where the Applicant has Set up Office (Foreign Employment License)

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Any private entity wishing to engage in the business of job placement for job seekers to work abroad must apply for a foreign employment license from the Central Employment Registrar. If the office is located in Bangkok,

Application Documents for Permission to Recruit or Announce Recruitment in Advance, for Sending Job Seekers to Work Abroad by Licensed Foreign Job Providers - For submission at the Provincial Job Placement Office where the licensee's office is located

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Individuals granted a license to provide jobs for work abroad, who wish to recruit or announce recruitment of job seekers in advance, must apply for permission from the registrar under the Job Placement and Job Seekers Protection Act, accompanied by the f

Criteria and Procedures for Employers Seeking Permission to Take Employees to Work Abroad

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

For employers who are about to apply for permission to take employees to work overseas, it is essential to follow the various steps as notified by the Department of Employment, including criteria and steps in considering the application, as follows

Request for Relocation of Overseas Employment Agency - Case of Relocation Outside of the Province Stated in the License

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

In case an overseas employment agency license holder wishes to relocate their office outside the province specified in the license, they must submit a request as per form Jor Ngor 13 to the local employment registrar

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