All posts of tag: Employer

When should foreigners working in Thailand renew their work permits?

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Renewal of work permits for foreign workers in Thailand is governed by three regulations: the Working of Foreign Workers Act B.E. 2551.

For employers: How can an employer terminate a foreign employee’s employment contract without breaching the law?

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

If an employer wants to cancel the employment of a foreign worker, or if the employment contract has expired.

What are the penalties for employers who hire foreign workers to work illegally?

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

The use of foreign workers who have illegally entered the country, without a work permit, or allowing foreigners to work outside of their rights is an illegal act.

What are the duties of employers when bringing foreigners to work in Thailand?

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Employers or establishments that bring foreign workers to work in Thailand are initially obliged to notify the registrar of the foreigners’ employment.

Is it wrong if an employer does not notify the registrar of the employment of foreign workers?

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

There are many rules for foreign workers who come to work in Thailand, but at the same time, there are regulations that the employer must follow, as well, regardless of whether the employee is entering or leaving the job.

Work that foreigners are allowed to do, with conditions

1970-01-01 - 1970-01-01

Foreigners who want to work in Thailand, in addition to having a legal work permit, must comply with the announcement of the Ministry of Labor on stipulating prohibited work for foreigners, amounting to 40  jobs.

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