Industrial Prototype Farm for Water Fern Eggs Elevates Alternative Protein to Super Food

The “Industrial Prototype Farm for Water Fern Eggs,” developed by Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), has been launched to elevate the production of alternative protein, such as “water fern eggs” into a Super Food for both domestic and international markets.

This development focuses on using technology that reduces production costs, increases yields, and maintains the highest safety standards, making water fern eggs a new economic plant that is environmentally sustainable and generates income for farmers and communities.


The highlights of the “Industrial Prototype Farm for Water Fern Eggs” developed by SUT include a high-protein, safe water fern egg production technology that consists of five main systems as follows:

  1. DFT/AP System (Deep Flow Technique with Air Plus): This system cultivates water fern eggs using hydroponic fertilizer formula SUT-NS6 at a concentration of 0.5 millisiemens/centimeter, yielding high-quality fresh water fern eggs that are safe and contain over 40% protein by dry weight, with a uniform green color and no unpleasant odor.
  2. Semi-Automatic Harvesting System: This system increases harvesting efficiency while saving time, labor, and water costs.
  3. Climate and Nutrient Data Collection System: This system collects data to analyze yield results and impacts in the water fern egg production process accurately.
  4. Fresh Water Fern Egg Cleaning System: This system ensures that the water fern egg products are fresh, clean, safe, ready to use, and extend shelf life/storage time by using minimal water and electricity resources during production, while also allowing the washing water to be reused in other parts of the farm.
  5. Drying and Powdering System: This system studies the conditions for drying water fern eggs while retaining high bioactive compounds, ensuring uniform green color in dried water fern eggs with moisture levels suitable for their intended use.
    This prototype farm not only generates income for farmers but also develops Thailand's agricultural sector to a sustainable industrial level.

For interested individuals, farmers, community enterprises, and entrepreneurs, more information can be obtained from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arak Theerapan at or call 06 3645 6494 at the Agricultural Technology Department, SUT, Nakhon Ratchasima Province.


For more information: Suranaree University of Technology


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