What kind of travel arrangements help conserve natural resources?

What kind of travel arrangements help conserve natural resources?

       Many tourist attractions have to face many problems, whether it is overflowing garbage or polluting, even destroying nature until that place deteriorates.

       Under the 7 GREENs CONCEPT, all sectors related to the tourism industry, doing activities along with protecting the environment, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions consist of

-GREEN Activity Conduct activities for fun and enjoyment, but must not destroy the environment.

-GREEN Community A knowledgeable tourism community can combine the benefits of tourism while preserving the identity of the community.

-GREEN Attraction Utilization of tourist attractions with their original conditions under quality management.

-GREEN Plus Giving back to the world with intention through a variety of activities that each person chooses to do voluntarily.

-GREEN Logistics Travel to a destination that combines eco-friendly concepts.

-GREEN Service Every type of tourism business that is sincere with the selection of raw materials and controlling the release of waste back to nature after every treatment.

- GREEN Heart Respect the way of nature, realize and believe, not just thinking or saying.


       When tourists are prepared, they can also contribute to nature conservation. For example, they can carry their own water bottles or lunch boxes to reduce waste, refrain from using plastic straws, pack the right items for travel, and avoid bringing large amounts because doing so wastes energy both during packing and transportation.

Source: Tourism Authority of Thailand
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