Promotional tax measures – e-Withholding Tax

        Private sector businesses must submit withholding tax, and the Revenue Department has tax measures that offer a new service in line with taxpayers’ modern lifestyles with the e-Withholding Tax service, which is an electronic channel that taxpayers may use to remit withholding tax.

        A “withholding tax payer” is one who notifies the receiving bank to proceed with tax deduction and then remit the tax to the Revenue Department. Furthermore, the bank is in charge of preparing such tax evidence for the payee who is subject to withholding tax. The payee is no longer required to keep the withholding tax certificate in paper form, but can check the withholding tax information at the Revenue Department's website,

        The government has extended the period of tax measures to promote two measures for electronic tax systems to enable the private sector to use the e-Tax Invoice and e-Receipt system and the e-Withholding system in order to promote and increase the efficiency of tax collection and taxpayer services, as well as increasing the country's competitiveness and making it in line with the digital economy:

  1. Tax measures to encourage investment in electronic tax systems, including allowing companies or legal partnerships to deduct investment expenses through the e-Tax Invoice and e-Receipt system and the e-Withholding Tax system, as well as deducting expenses for the service of such systems, from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025.
  2. Tax measures to encourage the use of electronic withholding tax (e-Withholding Tax) by lowering the withholding tax rates of 5%, 3%, and 2% to 1% for paying assessable income through the e-Withholding Tax system from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025.

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01 Jan, 1970 - 01 Jan, 1970


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