Guide for the notification of business termination or relocation of office or place of business of foreigners

       Foreign investors operating businesses in Thailand who wish to terminate their businesses or relocate the business offices must follow Section 22 of the Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (1999), prescribing that a licensee or holder of the certificate who terminates a business operation or relocates his/her office or place of business must notify the registrar within 15 days from the date of termination or relocation with supporting documents specified in the ministerial regulation. 

In case of business termination:

1) Form Tor.1;

2) The original business license or business certificate;

3) A power of attorney in cases where the notification is made by another person;

4) Copy of the identity card or passport of the principal;

5) Copy of the identity card of the attorney;

6) A fee in the amount of 1,000 baht.

In case of relocation of office:

1) Form Tor.1;

2) A map indicating the approximate location of the new office or place of business;

3) Business Registration Certificate (in case registration is made in Thailand);

4) In case the business license indicates the place of business, it must be brought to be changed;

5) A power of attorney in a case where the notification is made by another person;

6) Copy of identity card of passport of the principal;

7) Copy of identity card of the attorney;

8) A fee in the amount of 1,000 baht. 

       If the office or place of business is located in Bangkok, a notification must be made to the Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce. In the case of an office or place of business being located in other provinces, a notification must be made to the Provincial Office of Commercial Registration of such province.

Source : Thailand Board of Investment 555
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01 Jan, 1970 - 01 Jan, 1970


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