Spicy curry is ranked 35th among the world’s best-tasting stew dishes

Spicy curry is ranked 35th among the world’s best-tasting stew dishes

     In Taste Atlas’s survey of the world’s top curries and stews, not only did Phanang curry win the no. 1 ranking, but five other Thai dishes also gained spots in this category, including Massaman curry in 8th place, green curry in 17th, Thai curry in 33rd, spicy curry in 35th, and rice noodles in fish curry sauce in the 90th spot.

     “Spicy curry” is unique because the curry itself is red and oily, but the oil does not separate into layers. The taste is “round” and less spicy than green curry because it uses dried chili (green curry uses fresh chili). Spicy curry is commonly eaten along with salted items such as salted fish, salted meat, and most importantly, spicy curry pepper, also known as red curry pepper. The ingredients in the pot consist of large dried chili, kale, lemongrass, bergamot skin, coriander root, garlic, paprika, and spices such as cumin, cilantro, and curry with coconut milk.

     Making a good Thai curry takes a lot of steps and needs to be cooked just the right way, since it includes many ingredients that all lead up to a delicious result. A spoonful of curry pepper contains dozens of ingredients pounded together. As a result, the taste of Thai curry is complicated, and it isn't easy to find the “perfect” one.

     There are many kinds of curry paste in Thai recipes; each curry powder has different ingredients, with a little bit here and there, take a chance, and you’ll come up with a new variety of curry powder. And remember that the heart of a good curry powder is the quality of the ingredients, freshness, and method of pounding; if we get a good curry powder, it’s the way to achieve a more delicious Thai curry.

Trivia! What is the difference between curry paste vs. spicy curry paste?

     When people buy curry paste, they may see one type with a sign saying “Curry paste” and another saying “Spicy curry paste,” which makes them wonder whether they are the same or if they can be interchangeable. Don’t worry. We have an answer for everyone. Both curry paste and spicy curry paste are the same types of curry paste. The ingredients are the same, except that the spicy curry powder has a higher proportion of roasted coriander seeds and cumin to make the taste bold and spicier. And it is often ground a little coarser than the regular curry paste. Stir-frying with spicy curry paste will make it stick to the meat better.

     To put it simply, curry paste can be used for various dishes, including spicy dishes (stir-fried curry paste). But the spicy curry paste is not normally used to make curry because the taste is too strong, and the rough texture may cause some of the chili bits to float in the curry itself, making it not so pleasant to eat.

Reference: https://krua.co/cooking_post/things-to-know-about-thai-curry-paste

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