Development of medicines and health products towards the goal of becoming Thailand Medical Hub

Product Hub.

          Another strategy driving Thailand towards its goal of becoming the Medical Hub is Product Hub or the hub of medicine and health products.

          The objectives of the Product Hub are to promote and support modern medicines, Thai herbal medicines and health products developed from natural resources based on Thai wisdom in order to add value and create reputation, including achieving excellence and meeting the international quality standards. The goals are to producing medicines and health products with pharmaceutical registration, quality assurance and international standards for service to Thais and foreigners and to improve Thailand’s potential in distributing these products throughout the world.

         Strategies for becoming the Product Hub are as follows:

1.  Promote the development of modern medicine to the international level;

2.  Promote the development of Thai herbal medicines to the international level;

3.  Promote the development of cosmetic manufacturing industry;

4.  Promote the development of healthy food supplements;

5.  Promote the development of medical device and equipment manufacturing industry.

          With the ever-increasing demand for medicines, in order to reduce dependency on imported medicines and raw materials from foreign countries, promoting the use of Thai herbs is another option that will help enhance the quality of life for the people. It also helps reduce the costs and improve the country’s economic sustainability.

           Product Champion is an example of promoting the development of Thai herbal medicine to the international level. As there are many medicinal herbs in Thailand, the outstanding herbs selected for the promotion in order to achieve the marketing effect and to be used in the development of herbal products for both domestic and international markets are Fa Talai Jone (Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees), Garcinia Cambogia, Black Galingale (Kaempferia parviflora), Mulberry (Morus sp.), Pueraria mirifica, Roselle, Cassia alata L., Turmeric, Plai (Zingibermontanum (Koenig) Link ex Dietr.), Centella asiatica and Pepper. This is because these herbs are commercially competitive and some of them have been researched with the evidence supporting their use.

            These products can create added value and improve community and national economic security. In addition, it also improves the country’s pharmaceutical system security and enables people to participate in inheriting and maintaining Thai traditional medicine wisdom as a national identity.

           To push Thailand’s medical industry towards becoming the sustainable Medical Hub, cooperation from all sectors is required, including government policies, authorities related to medical research and development in combination with the investment from the private sector. This is to achieve integrated development and investment in the same direction.

Source: Department Of Health Service Support

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