Those Responsible for Reporting Goods Carried by Thai Vessels

     Regarding the practice of ordering or importing goods required to be carried by Thai vessels B.E. 2551 (2008), a person who orders or imports goods required to be carried by Thai vessels must notify authorities of the order and import of such goods before loading and inform authorities of the arrival of such goods to the port city in Thailand. The responsible persons for these actions are as follows:

(1) State agency, government agency, or state enterprise ordering or importing goods for use in such state agency, government agency, or state enterprise. The relevant state agency, government agency, or state enterprise may also assign the transportation agent or contractor to notify them of such order or import of goods;
(2) Person ordering and importing goods for a state agency, government agency, or state enterprise;

(3) Person who is a contract party of such state agency, government agency, or state enterprise ordering and importing goods for the performance of the contract;                                 
(4) Other persons ordering and importing for a person who is a contract party of such state agency, government agency, or state enterprise.

The transport operator must notify officials of the use of a vessel to carry goods required to be carried by Thai vessels twice, as follows: 

(1) Notify officials of the order or import of goods required to be carried by Thai vessels, using Form Phor Wor-Jor 1, before loading goods at the port of origin in the specified route for Thai vessel transportation;

(2) Notify officials of the arrival of goods at the port of destination in Thailand, using Form Phor Wor-Jor 2, with specified documents and evidence, within 7 days from the date of arrival. 

     The Maritime Regulatory Division shall inspect the notification, in accordance with the law. If goods are loaded into Thai vessels but the operator fails to notify them, as in Form Phor Wor-Jor 1 and Phor Wor-Jor 2, as specified by law, the operator will be penalized under Section 31 of the Merchant Marine Promotion Act, B.E. 2521 (1978) and as amended. (Section 31 specifies that any person who violates or fails to comply with the notification under Section 18 shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 10,000 baht, and to a daily fine not exceeding 2,000 baht per day during the period of such violation or failure.)

Information as of 30 April 2023
Source: Digital Government Development Agency
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