Integration of all Sectors to develop medical device industry under the BCG model

      A key strategy for developing the medical device industry in Thailand under the BCG model is to provide a host for integration and networking between stakeholders. This is an essential mechanism to drive the BCG in the field of medical devices, as Thailand’s development of medical devices has an ecosystem involved in many public agencies, educational institutions, and manufacturing and service sectors. As a result, the integration of cooperation from all sectors to achieve the goal of promoting and upgrading the medical device industry needs an innovation research unit covering the management and integration of networks of agencies, both domestically and internationally.

      One of the important measures is the establishment of the National Institute of Medical Device Technology under the NSTDA.

The guidelines are as follows:

  1. To conduct research and innovation in medical devices of the country and to promote and support the introduction of research results into the manufacturing and service sectors, through a network mechanism integrating public and private sector and educational institutions;
  2. To manage and drive the medical device strategy to develop the Thai medical device innovation industry;
  3. To build a collaborative network and integrate research and innovation in various dimensions internationally to develop Thai medical device technology.

      Such actions will (a) reduce the cost of manufacturing medical devices and the import of medical devices from foreign countries, (b) result in innovative medical devices that are consistent and sufficient to meet domestic needs and give equal access to Thai people, (c) enhance the ability of SMEs in the production of Thai medical devices, and (d) create a medical device research network that is up to date with technological changes, both domestically and internationally.

Source: National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)

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