Goals of the agricultural BCG model

      The BCG model (Bio-Circular-Green economy) is driving holistic economic development in three economic dimensions simultaneously: the bio-economy, circular economy, and green economy. It is having the most impact on the agricultural sector, which is considered the starting point and the cornerstone of business in Thailand. The BCG model aims to change the Thai agricultural system in three main areas:

High performance
      To increase efficiency in every process of the production system, from upstream to downstream, by using technology and innovation, combined with folk wisdom, in order to upgrade the quality of the products with the concept of "do less, get more.”

High standards      
      To produce agricultural products with high-quality standards in terms of quality, nutrition, and safety, with a production system that has sustainability as its goal.

High income
      To improve the quality of life of Thai farmers and generate high income for them by focusing on the production of premium and diverse agricultural goods, and create a system in which farmers can set selling prices according to the quality of their produce.

Source : National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
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