Agreement on Cross-Border Travel between Thailand and Myanmar

Agreement on Cross-Border Travel between Thailand and Myanmar 

     Thailand and Myanmar have a long-standing relationship in terms of trade and diplomacy. Throughout history, there have been journeys for trade and for the exchange of labor between the two countries owing to their geographical proximity. Therefore, the land route has always been a popular means of travel between the two sides of the border.

     As a result, a governmental agreement was made on 24 June 2016 (B.E. 2559) between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar regarding the crossing of the border between the two countries.

The following documents are required for crossing the border:

  1. A passport;
  2. A border pass;
  3. A temporary border pass.

     The authority to issue border passes belongs to the provincial governor or the border district officer, specified in the agreement.

     Border passes are granted to Thai and Myanmar citizens residing in the border areas and are specified in the aforementioned agreement.

The conditions for crossing the border are as follows:

  1. A border pass is valid for entry and exit at the permanent border checkpoints for a maximum of 2 weeks at a time;
  2. A temporary border pass is valid for a maximum of 1 week at a time;
  3. A border pass for work purposes, including seasonal employment or round-trip travel, is valid for a maximum of 30 days at a time.

     It should be noted that the checkpoint at Singkhon allows for a stay of up to 4 days (3 nights). A passport is required for entry and exit at the permanent border checkpoints and allows for travel throughout the country for a specified period of time, in accordance with the regulations of each individual country.

Age/Renewal of Border Pass Conditions

     The border pass is valid for up to 2 years and can be renewed for up to 2 years at a time.

     The permitted area is limited to the border areas, as stipulated in the agreement attached at the end of this document.

Thai border areas:

  1. Mae Sai Border Pass (Mae Sai District, Mae Chan District, and Mueang Chiang Rai District in Chiang Rai Province);
  2. Mae Sot Border Pass (Mae Sot District, Mae Ramat District, and Phop Phra District in Tak Province);
  3. Phu Nam Ron Border Pass (Mueang Kanchanaburi District in Kanchanaburi Province);
  4. Ranong Border Pass (Mueang Ranong District in Ranong Province).

Myanmar border areas:

  1. Tachileik;
  2. Myawaddy;
  3. Tiki;
  4. Kawsong.

Source: Foreign Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior, Asadang Road, Wat Ratchabophit Subdistrict, Phra Nakhon District, Bangkok 10200.

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