
Useful Information

Travel route for the faithful of two religions: Buddhism and Christianity
Religious tourism is another form of tourism that has gained popularity lately, especially those who would like to earn religious merit or enhance their spiritual side.
Traveling in Nakhon Phanom Province: The Tai Kuan tribe – Happiness, health, and zero-carbon tourism
The Isaan region, northeastern Thailand, is another area with cultural diversity that is suitable for those who love ecotourism and community lifestyle.
Criteria for bringing human remains into Thailand
Bringing human remains into Thailand does not require submitting an import declaration form or simplified customs declaration form. The customs procedures
Criteria for duty exemption on privileged goods imported in accordance with Thailand's obligations to other countries
n accordance with its agreements with the United Nations and its diplomatic missions, imports by UN agencies and national embassies are overseen.
Criteria for duty exemption on used household effects
Both Thai and non-Thai residents relocating into Thailand are allowed to bring used household effects into Thailand in appropriate quantities with duty exemption.
Criteria for duty exemption on used household effects in the case of relocation
Consideration for the exemption of duty on used household items in the case of relocation shall be based on the following consideration criteria
Procedures for exporting goods by post
Today's online world facilitates communication and even trading products in all parts of the world, creating market opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Procedures for duty exemption of goods under Category 11 Part 4 of the Customs Tariff Decree B.E. 2530 in the case of insufficient information
When importing donated goods, the importers may apply for duty exemption if the goods are donations to government agencies or charitable organizations, in accordance with the regulations for duty exemption on goods under Category 11, Part 4.
Understanding the importation of personal and household effects
Importation of personal effects and household items. The importation of personal effects and household effects means carrying goods.
Understanding the importation of donated items, especially vehicles
The Customs Department has published information on imports of donations, which refer to the goods imported or exported for donation and carried out by government agencies.
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