3S Strategy to Promote Thai Food Soft Power and Captivate the World.

Chef Chumpol's 3S Strategy aims to promote Thai food soft power for global recognition, focusing on security, safety, and sustainability in the Thai food industry. He emphasizes that food is not just a means of sustenance but also a diplomatic tool that connects people and cultures deeply through shared meals.

Gastrodiplomacy enhances international relations. The strategy for elevating the food industry by the "Sub-Committee for Food Industry Promotion" has key objectives:

"3 Increases"

  1. Increase potential, value, and safety in food production across the supply chain through innovation and marketing.
  2. Increase income for Thai farmers, the Thai food industry, and the national GDP.
  3. Increase trade partnerships in the global food market and enhance publicity for Thai food.

"3 Reductions"

  1. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and food waste.
  2. Reduce social inequality, lower costs for food businesses, and decrease trade barriers.
  3. Reduce Thailand's trade deficit, lower health costs incurred annually by Thai citizens, and ease regulations that hinder businesses.

The goals of "3 Increases and 3 Reductions" will be implemented through the 3S Policy:

  1. Security (food security)
  2. Safety
  3. Sustainability

To elevate Thai cuisine and increase its value in global markets,

  • Drive the Thai food industry comprehensively.
  • Develop the food industry from upstream, midstream, to downstream.
  • Aim to be among the top 10 countries in food exports by 2027, ensuring the continuous growth of Thailand's food industry to truly become the kitchen of the world.

For Additional information: THACCA | Thailand Creative Culture Agency.

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