Student visa extension

       Education in Thailand includes both government and private educational institutions. Foreigners who want to study in Thailand must pass certain criteria to get a visa for temporary residence (Non-immigrant ED) or a “Non-immigrant ED” stamp in the passport. The institution they wish to study at must issue various documents, and the institution must be licensed by the relevant government agencies and certified by the relevant government agencies (except in the case of studies in international schools and at the higher education level).

Documents for visa renewal include the following: 

1. Government educational institutions must have a TM.7 application form (requesting permission to stay in the Kingdom temporarily), a copy of the applicant's passport, a letter requesting permission for the applicant to stay from that educational institution, which also shows details about the academic year, course level, and study results of the applicant.

2. Private educational institutions must have a TM.7 application form (requesting permission to stay in the Kingdom temporarily), a copy of evidence requesting permission to establish an educational institution from relevant government agencies, a confirmation letter, and a request to stay from that educational institution (which shows details about the academic year, course level, curriculum, and educational results of the applicant), a certificate from a government agency at the department level or equivalent or from the provincial governor in charge of that educational institution (except in the case of studying in an international school or in higher education).

Source :Wonderfulpackage
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