Characteristics that make foreigners ineligible to work in Thailand

       Although Thailand is open to accepting foreigners to work within the country, in practice, there are still requirements in the Immigration Act of 1979 regarding certain characteristics of foreigners that would make them ineligible to enter the country.  Moreover, there is also an announcement of the Ministry of Interior, made in 2020, stipulating prohibited diseases for foreigners wanting to enter or stay in the Kingdom.


Prospective foreign workers wanting to apply for a work permit must not have the following prohibited characteristics:

  1. A person of unsound mind or mental infirmity;
  2. Persons with the following diseases: 
    2.1 Leprosy; 
    2.2 Tuberculosis in a dangerous stage; 
    2.3 Lymphatic filariasis in a stage that is appalling to society; 
    2.4 Drug addiction;
    2.5 Alcoholism;
    2.6 Syphilis in stage 3. 

  3. A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment by a final judgment (under the immigration law or the law governing foreign workers) within 1 year prior to the date of application for a permit.

Source :Foreign Workers Administration Ofhce
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