Center for morality promotion propels morality and life capital indices onto the international stage

     The Morality Index is an innovative approach that transforms moral issues into measurable forms, resting on academic principles. Each individual assesses their own behavior (Self-reflection behavior) based on five points: sufficiency, responsibility, honesty, public spirit, and respect for elders, and it is explored in six regions, across three age groups: children and youth, early working age, and working age, in six occupational groups: agriculture, government/private employees, public enterprise employees, general laborers, and self-employed/ freelancers.

     Life capital, on the other hand, is an assessment of the positive forces of the human surroundings in five strengths: self-strength, family strength, intelligence/organizational strength, friends and activities strength, and community strength.

     The Center for Morality Promotion (CMP) has expanded its cooperation at the national level, partnering with India to implement the Morality and Life Capital Indices to drive moral work, with plans to collaborate with NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India).

     The Center for Morality Promotion launched the "Morality Situation Index" for the first time in Thailand in 2021. A survey on the life capital of Thai children and youth aged 12-18 years from a sample group of 10,000 people found that "Community Power (Public Spirit)" is at a concerning level. From 64.04% in 2009, it fell to 53.84% in 2019 and dropped further to 47.76% in 2021, a significantly weak point that fails to meet the standards. Meanwhile, "Family Strength" is at a worrying level as it has been declining every year, from 76.50% in 2009 to 73.64% in 2019 and 68.91% in 2021, just at an acceptable level. This reflects that the environment and the voices of children and youth in a positive environment are emerging as issues that need "focused development."

     A survey of the morality situation, using the morality indicators of Thai working-age people aged 25-40 from a sample group of 8,000 people, is in good standards. The average morality score of the sample group (from a maximum average of 6.00) found that discipline and responsibility were the lowest with an average of 4.18, followed by honesty with 4.49, sufficiency with 4.61, and public spirit with 4.77, respectively.

     When considering the lowest average indicators/components of each aspect of morality, it was found that in the respect for elders, the aspect of respecting good things had an average of 4.94. In public spirit, the aspect of volunteering had an average of 4.44. In terms of sufficiency, the aspect of being rational had an average of 4.54. In honesty, the aspect of standing up for what's right had an average of 4.19. And in discipline and responsibility, the aspect of self-control had an average of 4.00.

Data updated on March 13, 2023
Source: Center For Morality Promotion (CMP) (Public Organization)
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