5G Technology Driving the Thai Economy From Investment by Businesspeople

Current Development of 5G Technology

           The development of 5G technology in Thailand, which is a wireless network era with better connection performance both in terms of volume and speed than the 4th generation wireless network technology (4G), considering its performance in terms of the efficiency in receiving - sending data about 20 times more than 4G and also connecting to a large network that can support connections to millions of devices in an area of 1 square kilometre, as well as low latency, with a delay of less than 1/1000 of a second or 400 times faster than the blink of an eye.

  With these advantages, 5G technology meets the needs of today's business sector, which is mainly driven by technology. The world's largest companies are involved in technology to help businesses improve both the development of their own products and services.

Businesses that will greatly benefit from 5G technology include:

1. Media and Entertainment
As movies and entertainment can be downloaded in high definition in 4K in seconds. Even when used during peak hours, users can use it anywhere, anytime and across multiple devices.

2. Manufacturing: 5G technology has been applied to connect wirelessly to devices and machines to achieve maximum efficiency such as remote ordering or automatic ordering systems, as well as being applied to warehouse and logistics management Including the distribution channels that allow virtual buyers to choose and try products at the store or in the agricultural sector, 5G technology is used to connect with devices to help in agriculture for better productivity and increased efficiency.

3. Healthcare: 5G technology has been applied to wearable devices and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) for collecting detailed health data to help monitor patients' symptoms at all times and plan treatment to achieve more accurate results or in the case of using robots in surgery using the 5G network so that the robot can immediately respond to commands for treatment even if the patient is in a remote area from specialist doctors as well as being used in hospital management to provide efficient medical services. 

4. Utilities: 5G technology has been applied in the smart grid and smart meter to manage the electricity distribution, where the system will send electricity consumption data to be processed in order to plan the production and supply sufficient electricity, including to calculate the appropriate electricity price.

5. Transportation and Logistics: 5G technology has been applied to help drive vehicles developed for transportation, such as self-driving cars connecting data between vehicles and traffic control systems. It can also be applied in other types of vehicles such as high-speed trains, public buses and taxis.

6. City management systems have adopted 5G technology, especially in smart cities, which have many subsystems. However, this technology can automatically connect devices to the network to transmit data, collect and analyze data for systematic management, such as management for flood prevention and other natural disasters, waste management, public utility management, security management, traffic management, and parking space management.

It is an example of the applications of 5G technology that that plays a role in people's daily lives and the business sector sees opportunities from the is modern technology.
Source: Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission
Tel: +66 2670 8888


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