Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden: The Only Botanic Garden in Asia to Achieve BGCI Level 2 Certification

     The Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden, located in Mae Raem, Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, is the most comprehensive botanic garden in Thailand, boasting international standards. It houses a diverse range of flora, especially indigenous and endangered species that are on the brink of extinction.

     The Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden also holds the prestigious BGCI Level 2 Conservation Practitioner Accreditation (CPA) from the Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), making it one of only 17 botanic gardens worldwide with this certification. Significantly, it's the only botanic garden in Asia to achieve this accreditation. Other botanic gardens with BGCI CPA certification include The Eden Project in the United Kingdom, Denver Botanic Garden in the United States, and Hortus Botanicus Leiden in the Netherlands.

     The BGCI is the world's largest plant conservation network, boasting more than 800 member institutions from over 100 countries. One of its roles is to provide accreditation to botanic gardens seeking global certification. The BGCI offers three levels of certification:

     Level 1: The BGCI Botanic Garden Accreditation (BGA) is a standard accreditation for botanic gardens operating to international standards. To date, 62 botanic gardens have received this certification, including the Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden, which received the accreditation on March 6, 2022.

     Level 2: The BGCI Conservation Practitioner Accreditation (CPA) is awarded to botanic gardens that are conservation-oriented, whether at the local, national, or global level. Currently, 17 botanic gardens have achieved this certification, including the Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden, which was certified on January 16, 2023.

     Level 3: The BGCI Advanced Conservation Practitioner Accreditation (ACPA) is for high-performing botanic gardens with a strong conservation focus, capable of achieving their goals and supporting plant conservation at the local, national, and global level. Currently, 16 botanic gardens hold this accreditation. The Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden aims to obtain the ACPA, the highest level of BGCI certification, by 2025.


Data updated on February 22, 2023

Source: Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment

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