T-VER project implementation model

    The implementation of the Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program (T-VER) is gaining a lot of attention, especially for the three ways its model and pogram can be implemented:

1. Single Project: Project that reduces greenhouse gas emissions in a single location;

2. Bundling Projects: Project that carries out the same type of greenhouse gas reduction activities in multiple locations over the same credit period. When applying for project registration, project developers may use a single project proposal document;

3. Programme of Activities (PoA):  The project model is the framework for implementing a greenhouse gas reduction project, and there are sub-projects with multiple locations, the same project type, and different credit periods for each sub-project group.

Conditions for the Development of the T-VER Project

1. It must be an activity that has not yet begun operation or an activity that has a start date and causes GHG reduction retrospectively no more than 3 years from the date of completing the final project design document and passing the verification, as well as having documents or evidence confirming the project’s start date (except forest and green area projects and projects applying for registration as T-VER projects during the fiscal year 2014-2016);

2. The project operation must be transparent and verifiable. The project developer must be able to present the documents or evidence necessary for validation and verification of the project operation completely and accurately;

3. The T-VER project must be demonstrated or proven to be an activity in addition to its normal operations (Additionality).

January 25, 2022


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